Our Member Testimonials
Mr. Patel protects livelihood while off work for nine weeks
When pharmacy owner Mr. Patel was forced off work for nine weeks, PG Mutual’s Income Protection Plus scheme made sure he wasn’t left to swallow a horribly bitter financial pill.

Quick Summary
Age: 45
Profession: Pharmacy Owner
Member since: April 2014
Value of claim: £8,000, for 9 weeks
What happened?
The thing with accidents? They tend to come out of nowhere. Just ask PG Mutual policyholder Mr Patel, who was left with a fractured knuckle and several broken bones in his hand after a circuit training session that went wrong.
How did we help?
Mr Patel is a pharmacy owner. Day in, day out he prepares prescriptions, he bottles pharmaceutical drugs and he indexes thousands of different medications. It’s impossible when you only have function in one hand. The severity of Mr. Patel’s injury left him with nine weeks of lost income and a claim totaling more than £8,000.
Here at PG Mutual we try our best to pay claims promptly, sometimes on the same day that the claim is made. And because Mr. Patel wasted no time completing the necessary paperwork, we were able to pay the full claim incredibly quickly.
What was the outcome?
Mr. Patel would have been left significantly out of pocket without his income protection. Yet from the moment he injured his hand to the moment he returned to work, the pharmacy owner had total confidence in his policy.
That’s not all. Because we reinvest our profits, Mr. Patel – like all of our members – is part of our Profit Share Scheme that aims to build a cash lump sum over the life of his policy for payment in his retirement years.
This is a real life case study, but the member did not wish their real identity to be revealed and so a cover profile has been used to maintain their anonymity.