Our Member Testimonials
Mr. Ahmed protects his family savings while off work for eight months.
When pharmacist Mr. Ahmed lost eight months worth of income due to time off with Parkinson’s, he knew his long standing policy with PG Mutual would provide the necessary financial antidote.

Quick Summary
Age: 63
Profession: Pharmacist
Member since: June 1988
Value of claim: £22,000 for 8 months
What happened?
Since taking out a policy with PG Mutual in June 1988, Mr Ahmed has benefitted from his cover numerous times. His most recent claim was for salary loss due to being unable to work for eight months because of health complications related to Parkinson’s.
How did we help?
At PG Mutual we try to make our claim process as simple and straightforward as possible. After completing our online claims form and providing his medical certificates, we paid Mr. Ahmed a regular benefit that came to a total of £22,000 to cover the loss of earnings. We also liaised directly with Mr. Ahmed’s GP regarding his health and were able to ensure payments were made promptly and without fuss. That allowed Mr. Ahmed to sit back and concentrate on recovery, with less annoying paperwork to worry about.
What was the outcome?
Mr. Ahmed received his first payment on the same day that we approved his claim form and paperwork. That’s fast – and something we strive for with all claims when we receive the necessary paperwork promptly. This payment removed the immediate financial pressure and gave Mr. Ahmed peace of mind that his upcoming expenses could be paid for without dipping into his savings.
That’s not all. Because we reinvest our profits, Mr. Ahmed – like all of our members – is part of our Profit Share Scheme that aims to build a cash lump sum over the life of his policy for payment in his retirement years.
This is a real life case study, but the member did not wish their real identity to be revealed and so a cover profile has been used to maintain their anonymity.